Instructions for the class

Homework Assignment

New announcement about the homework assignment. Checkout the homework assignment page.


This repository is build on the work of Garrett Grolemund from posit. In particular, it reuses an important part of the material he developed for tidyverse-related workshops, which is available at under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 copyright.


The main webpage is at


Data wrangling with R

The class is organised in 9 parts each of which has its own set of slides and exercises. The slides are available in the above Data Wranging - Slides tab and the exercises in the above Data Wranging - Labs tab. The slides are written partly with Keynote (exported as PDFs) and partly in Quarto reveajs slides. The exercises are written in Quarto.

Part Title Slides Exercises Suppl. Material
1 Introduction PDF Quarto
2 Visualize Data PDF Quarto
3 Transform Data PDF Quarto CSV
4 Model Data PDF Quarto ZIP
5 Communicate Data PDF Quarto Quarto
6 Tidy Data PDF Quarto
7 Join Data PDF Quarto
8 Manipulate Data Types PDF Quarto
9 Manipulate Lists PDF Quarto

Exploratory Data Analysis with R

The class is organised in 4 parts each of which has its own set of slides and exercises. The slides are available in the above Exploratory Data Analysis - Slides tab and the exercises in the the above Exploratory Data Analysis - Labs tab. The slides are written in Quarto revealjs slides. The exercises are written in Quarto.

Part Title Slides Exercises Suppl. Material
1 Hypothesis Testing Quarto Quarto
2 Linear Regression Quarto Quarto ZIP
3 Principal Component Analysis Quarto Quarto
4 Clustering Quarto Quarto
