
Your Turn 1

  • Change the working directory to the folder where wages.xlsx is located and this file is saved.
  • Then import wages.xlsx as wages and copy the code to your setup chunk.
  • Be sure to set NA: to NA.
  • Switch the eval option in the YAML header to true.

Your Turn 2

  • Fit the model

\[ \log(\text{income}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot \text{education} + \epsilon \]

  • Store the result in an object called mod_e.
  • Examine the output. What does it look like?

Your Turn 3

Use a pipe to model log(income) against height. Then use broom and dplyr functions to extract:

  1. The coefficient estimates and their related statistics
  2. The adj.r.squared and p.value for the overall model

Your Turn 4

Model log(income) against education and height and sex. Can you interpret the coefficients?

Your Turn 5

Add + geom_smooth(method = lm) to the code below. What happens?

wages |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = height, y = log(income))) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.1)

Your Turn 6

Use add_predictions() to make the plot below. Facetting is by level of education.

# In case you haven't made the ehs model
mod_ehs <- wages|> 
  lm(log(income) ~ education + height + sex, data = _)

# Make plot here

Your Turn 7

Use gather_residuals() to make the plot below.


Models mod_h and mod_ehs should be available in your environment because you fitted them in previous sections. But you have to fit and store the model mod_eh which stands for education and height.

# Make the plot here

Take Aways

  • Use glance(), tidy(), and augment() from the broom package to return model values in a data frame.

  • Use add_predictions() or gather_predictions() or spread_predictions() from the modelr package to visualize predictions.

  • Use add_residuals() or gather_residuals() or spread_residuals() from the modelr package to visualize residuals.