First Exam
Data Manipulation and Visualization
The data set you are going to work on is the penguins
data set. The data set contains data on the body mass, flipper length, species of penguins. The data set is available in the {palmerpenguins} package. You can install the package using the following code:
The goal of this exam is to reproduce the following plot using the penguins
data set:
Hint: You need to carefully analze the plot to understand how you need to manipulate the original data set in order to get the correct answer. For the sake of clarity, with fixed slopes means that the slopes of the lines are the same for all species and sexes. with varying slopes means that the slopes of the lines are different for each species and sex.
Rules & Expected delivrables
The exam starts at 11am on Friday, 13th December 2024 and ends at 12pm on the same day. You are not allowed to communicate with anyone during the exam.
The following delivrable is expected by email to the instructor by 12:15pm on Friday, 13th December 2024:
- A Quarto file which renders without error with the code to reproduce the plot. The name of the file must be of the form