Hausdorff Distance Matrix Computation
Data & Goal
We have simulated 3D functional data for this lab that is provided in the Quarto document in the dat
The dat
object is a list of size \(100\) containing \(100\) three-dimensional curves observed on a common grid of size \(200\) of the interval \([0, 1]\).
As a result, each element of the dat
list is a \(3 \times 200\) matrix.
Here we focus on a subset of the data, the first \(21\) curves, which looks like:
Hausdorff distance in R
We can implement the Hausdorff distance between two curves as:
<- function(x, y) {
hausdorff_distance_vec <- ncol(x)
P <- 1:P |>
dX ::map_dbl(\(p) {
purrrmin(colSums((y - x[, p])^2))
}) max()
<- 1:P |>
dY ::map_dbl(\(p) {
purrrmin(colSums((x - y[, p])^2))
}) max()
sqrt(max(dX, dY))
This version exploits the vectorized nature of R to compute the Hausdorff distance via calls to colSums()
and max()
. Another version based on a double loop is provided by the following hausdorff_distance_for()
<- function(x, y) {
hausdorff_distance_for <- ncol(x)
P <- 0
dX <- 0
dY for (i in 1:P) {
<- Inf
min_dist_x <- Inf
min_dist_y for (j in 1:P) {
<- sum((y[, j] - x[, i])^2)
dist_x if (dist_x < min_dist_x) {
<- dist_x
}<- sum((x[, j] - y[, i])^2)
dist_y if (dist_y < min_dist_y) {
<- dist_y
}if (min_dist_x > dX) {
<- min_dist_x
}if (min_dist_y > dY) {
<- min_dist_y
}sqrt(max(dX, dY))
We can benchmark the two versions:
<- bench::mark(
bm hausdorff_distance_vec(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]),
hausdorff_distance_for(dat[[1]], dat[[2]])
Expression |
Median computation time |
Memory allocation |
hausdorff_distance_vec(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]) | 2.02 ms | 2.7 MB |
hausdorff_distance_for(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]) | 50.08 ms | 124.6 kB |
We conclude that the vectorized version is faster but has a huge memory footprint compared to the loop-based version. This means that the vectorized version is not suitable for even moderately large data sets.
Pairwise distance matrix in R
Take a look at the documentation of the stats::dist()
function to understand how to make an object of class dist
We can exploit the previous functions to compute the pairwise distance matrix using the Hausdorff distance:
<- function(x, vectorized = FALSE) {
dist_r_v1 <- if (vectorized)
hausdorff_distance_for<- length(x)
N <- 1:(N - 1) |>
out ::map(\(i) {
purrr::map_dbl((i + 1):N, \(j) {
purrrhausdorff_distance(x[[i]], x[[j]])
}) ::list_c()
attributes(out) <- NULL
attr(out, "Size") <- N
<- names(x)
lbls attr(out, "Labels") <- if (is.null(lbls)) 1:N else lbls
attr(out, "Diag") <- FALSE
attr(out, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(out, "method") <- "hausdorff"
class(out) <- "dist"
out }
We can benchmark the two versions:
<- bench::mark(
bm dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = TRUE),
dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = FALSE)
Expression |
Median computation time |
Memory allocation |
dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = TRUE) | 0.48 s | 546.5 MB |
dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = FALSE) | 11.18 s | 3 kB |
We confirm that the vectorized version is not scalable to large datasets. Using it on the full dataset actually requires 12GB of memory! We will therefore focus on the loop-based version from now on.
Parallelize outer loop
<- function(x) {
dist_r_v2 <- length(x)
N <- 1:(N - 1) |>
out ::future_map(\(i) {
furrr::map_dbl((i + 1):N, \(j) {
purrrhausdorff_distance_for(x[[i]], x[[j]])
}) ::list_c()
attributes(out) <- NULL
attr(out, "Size") <- N
<- names(x)
lbls attr(out, "Labels") <- if (is.null(lbls)) 1:N else lbls
attr(out, "Diag") <- FALSE
attr(out, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(out, "method") <- "hausdorff"
class(out) <- "dist"
out }
Tweaking the chunk size
<- function(x) {
dist_r_v3 <- length(x)
N <- 1:(N - 1) |>
out ::future_map(\(i) {
furrr::map_dbl((i + 1):N, \(j) {
purrrhausdorff_distance_for(x[[i]], x[[j]])
}).options = furrr::furrr_options(chunk_size = 1)) |>
}, ::list_c()
attributes(out) <- NULL
attr(out, "Size") <- N
<- names(x)
lbls attr(out, "Labels") <- if (is.null(lbls)) 1:N else lbls
attr(out, "Diag") <- FALSE
attr(out, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(out, "method") <- "hausdorff"
class(out) <- "dist"
out }
Nested plan
<- function(x) {
dist_r_v4 <- length(x)
N <- 1:(N - 1) |>
out ::future_map(\(i) {
furrr::future_map_dbl((i + 1):N, \(j) {
furrrhausdorff_distance_for(x[[i]], x[[j]])
}).options = furrr::furrr_options(chunk_size = 1)) |>
}, ::list_c()
attributes(out) <- NULL
attr(out, "Size") <- N
<- names(x)
lbls attr(out, "Labels") <- if (is.null(lbls)) 1:N else lbls
attr(out, "Diag") <- FALSE
attr(out, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(out, "method") <- "hausdorff"
class(out) <- "dist"
out }
Convert to single loop
<- function(x) {
dist_r_v5 <- length(x)
N <- N * (N - 1) / 2
K <- furrr::future_map_dbl(1:K, \(k) {
out <- k - 1
k <- N - 2 - floor(sqrt(-8 * k + 4 * N * (N - 1) - 7) / 2.0 - 0.5);
i <- k + i + 1 - N * (N - 1) / 2 + (N - i) * ((N - i) - 1) / 2;
j <- i + 1
i <- j + 1
j hausdorff_distance_for(x[[i]], x[[j]])
})attributes(out) <- NULL
attr(out, "Size") <- N
<- names(x)
lbls attr(out, "Labels") <- if (is.null(lbls)) 1:N else lbls
attr(out, "Diag") <- FALSE
attr(out, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(out, "method") <- "hausdorff"
class(out) <- "dist"
out }
C++ implementation
The fact that the dist
function takes a list of matrices as input can be handled by {Rcpp}. However, there is no threadsafe wrapper for lists due to the fact that they can store objects of different types and thus cannot be serialized.
We therefore use a vector representation for an \(L\)-dimensional curve observed on a grid of \(P\) points. The vector is of length \(L \times N\). This allows the entire data set to be passed as a single matrix \(X\) to the C++ function where the \(i\)-th row reads:
\[ x_i^{(1)}(t_1), \dots, x_i^{(1)}(t_P), x_i^{(2)}(t_1), \dots, x_i^{(2)}(t_P), \dots, x_i^{(L)}(t_1), \dots, x_i^{(L)}(t_P). \]
Utility functions
We start by defining some utility functions that are used in the main dist()
#include "hausdorff_utils.h"
double hausdorff_distance_cpp(Rcpp::NumericVector x,
::NumericVector y,
Rcppunsigned int dimension)
unsigned int numDimensions = dimension;
unsigned int numPoints = x.size() / numDimensions;
double dX = 0.0;
double dY = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < numPoints;++i)
double min_dist_x = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double min_dist_y = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (unsigned int j = 0;j < numPoints;++j)
double dist_x = 0.0;
double dist_y = 0.0;
for (unsigned int k = 0;k < numDimensions;++k)
unsigned int index_i = k * numPoints + i;
unsigned int index_j = k * numPoints + j;
+= std::pow(x[index_i] - y[index_j], 2);
dist_x += std::pow(y[index_i] - x[index_j], 2);
dist_y }
= std::min(min_dist_x, dist_x);
min_dist_x = std::min(min_dist_y, dist_y);
min_dist_y }
= std::max(dX, min_dist_x);
dX = std::max(dY, min_dist_y);
dY }
return std::sqrt(std::max(dX, dY));
double hausdorff_distance_cpp(RcppParallel::RMatrix<double>::Row x,
::RMatrix<double>::Row y,
RcppParallelunsigned int dimension)
unsigned int numDimensions = dimension;
unsigned int numPoints = x.size() / numDimensions;
double dX = 0.0;
double dY = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < numPoints;++i)
double min_dist_x = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double min_dist_y = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (unsigned int j = 0;j < numPoints;++j)
double dist_x = 0.0;
double dist_y = 0.0;
for (unsigned int k = 0;k < numDimensions;++k)
unsigned index_i = k * numPoints + i;
unsigned index_j = k * numPoints + j;
+= std::pow(x[index_i] - y[index_j], 2);
dist_x += std::pow(y[index_i] - x[index_j], 2);
dist_y }
= std::min(min_dist_x, dist_x);
min_dist_x = std::min(min_dist_y, dist_y);
min_dist_y }
= std::max(dX, min_dist_x);
dX = std::max(dY, min_dist_y);
dY }
return std::sqrt(std::max(dX, dY));
::NumericMatrix listToMatrix(Rcpp::List x)
unsigned int nrows = x.size();
unsigned int ncols = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(x[0]).size();
::NumericMatrix out(nrows, ncols);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix workMatrix;
Rcpp::NumericVector workRow;
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < nrows;++i)
= Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericMatrix>(x[i]);
workMatrix = Rcpp::transpose(workMatrix);
workMatrix = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(workMatrix);
workRow std::copy(workRow.begin(), workRow.end(), out.row(i).begin());
return out;
The hausdorff_distance_cpp()
function implements the Hausdorff distance between two curves, where a curve is stored as a vector as described in the beginning of the section. The function therefore takes an additional optional argument to specify the dimension of the curve. The function has two implementations with different input types (Rcpp::NumericVector
and RcppParallel::RMatrix<double>::Row
). The latter is used to parallelize the computation using the thread-safe accessor to vectors. Only the former is exported to R.
The listToMatrix()
function is used to convert a list of matrices to a single matrix that stores the sample of curves in a format that can be passed to the dist_omp()
, dist_parallel()
and dist_thread()
functions in a thread-safe manner.
OpenMP implementation
#include "hausdorff_utils.h"
// // [[Rcpp::plugins(openmp)]] // Uncomment on Windows and Linux
::NumericVector dist_omp(Rcpp::NumericMatrix x,
Rcppunsigned int dimension = 1,
unsigned int ncores = 1)
unsigned int N = x.nrow();
unsigned int K = N * (N - 1) / 2;
::NumericVector out(K);
Rcpp::RMatrix<double> xSafe(x);
RcppParallel::RVector<double> outSafe(out);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(ncores)
for (unsigned int k = 0;k < K;++k)
unsigned int i = N - 2 - std::floor(std::sqrt(-8 * k + 4 * N * (N - 1) - 7) / 2.0 - 0.5);
unsigned int j = k + i + 1 - N * (N - 1) / 2 + (N - i) * ((N - i) - 1) / 2;
[k] = hausdorff_distance_cpp(xSafe.row(i), xSafe.row(j), dimension);
.attr("Size") = N;
out.attr("Labels") = Rcpp::seq(1, N);
out.attr("Diag") = false;
out.attr("Upper") = false;
out.attr("method") = "hausdorff";
out.attr("class") = "dist";
outreturn out;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
::NumericVector dist_omp(Rcpp::List x,
Rcppunsigned int dimension = 1,
unsigned int ncores = 1)
::NumericMatrix xMatrix = listToMatrix(x);
Rcppreturn dist_omp(xMatrix, dimension, ncores);
The dist_omp()
function computes the Hausdorff distance between all pairs of curves in the sample. It uses OpenMP to parallelize the computation. The function has two implementations with different input types (Rcpp::NumericMatrix
and Rcpp::List
). The former can be wrapped with the thread-safe accessor to matrices, while the latter is the one that is exported to R and internally uses the listToMatrix()
function to convert the input list into a matrix and calls the dist_omp()
function with the matrix as input.
{RcppParallel} implementation
#include "hausdorff_utils.h"
struct HausdorffDistanceComputer : public RcppParallel::Worker
const RcppParallel::RMatrix<double> m_SafeInput;
::RVector<double> m_SafeOutput;
RcppParallelunsigned int m_Dimension;
(const Rcpp::NumericMatrix x,
HausdorffDistanceComputer::NumericVector out,
Rcppunsigned int dimension)
: m_SafeInput(x), m_SafeOutput(out), m_Dimension(dimension) {}
void operator()(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end)
unsigned int N = m_SafeInput.nrow();
for (std::size_t k = begin;k < end;++k)
unsigned int i = N - 2 - std::floor(std::sqrt(-8 * k + 4 * N * (N - 1) - 7) / 2.0 - 0.5);
unsigned int j = k + i + 1 - N * (N - 1) / 2 + (N - i) * ((N - i) - 1) / 2;
m_SafeOutput[k] = hausdorff_distance_cpp(m_SafeInput.row(i), m_SafeInput.row(j), m_Dimension);
::NumericVector dist_parallel(Rcpp::NumericMatrix x,
Rcppunsigned int dimension = 1,
unsigned int ncores = 1)
unsigned int N = x.nrow();
unsigned int K = N * (N - 1) / 2;
::NumericVector out(K);
(x, out, dimension);
HausdorffDistanceComputer hausdorffDistance::parallelFor(0, K, hausdorffDistance, 1, ncores);
.attr("Size") = N;
out.attr("Labels") = Rcpp::seq(1, N);
out.attr("Diag") = false;
out.attr("Upper") = false;
out.attr("method") = "hausdorff";
out.attr("class") = "dist";
outreturn out;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
::NumericVector dist_parallel(Rcpp::List x,
Rcppunsigned int dimension = 1,
unsigned int ncores = 1)
::NumericMatrix xMatrix = listToMatrix(x);
Rcppreturn dist_parallel(xMatrix, dimension, ncores);
The dist_parallel()
function computes the Hausdorff distance between all pairs of curves in the sample. It uses {RcppParallel} to parallelize the computation. The function has two implementations with different input types (Rcpp::NumericMatrix
and Rcpp::List
). The former can be wrapped with the thread-safe accessor to matrices, while the latter is the one that is exported to R and internally uses the listToMatrix()
function to convert the input list to a matrix.
The dist_parallel()
function parallelizes the computations via the RcppParallel::parallelFor()
function, which requires a RcppParallel::Worker
object. The HausdorffDistanceComputer
class inherits from the RcppParallel::Worker
class and is used to implement exactly what a single worker should do.
{RcppThread} implementation
#include "hausdorff_utils.h"
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppThread)]]
#include <RcppThread.h>
::NumericVector dist_thread(Rcpp::NumericMatrix x,
Rcppunsigned int dimension = 1,
unsigned int ncores = 1)
unsigned int N = x.nrow();
unsigned int K = N * (N - 1) / 2;
::NumericVector out(K);
Rcpp::RMatrix<double> xSafe(x);
RcppParallel::RVector<double> outSafe(out);
auto task = [&xSafe, &outSafe, &dimension] (unsigned int k) {
unsigned int N = xSafe.nrow();
unsigned int i = N - 2 - std::floor(std::sqrt(-8 * k + 4 * N * (N - 1) - 7) / 2.0 - 0.5);
unsigned int j = k + i + 1 - N * (N - 1) / 2 + (N - i) * ((N - i) - 1) / 2;
[k] = hausdorff_distance_cpp(xSafe.row(i), xSafe.row(j), dimension);
::parallelFor(0, K, task, ncores);
.attr("Size") = N;
out.attr("Labels") = Rcpp::seq(1, N);
out.attr("Diag") = false;
out.attr("Upper") = false;
out.attr("method") = "hausdorff";
out.attr("class") = "dist";
outreturn out;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
::NumericVector dist_thread(Rcpp::List x,
Rcppunsigned int dimension = 1,
unsigned int ncores = 1)
::NumericMatrix xMatrix = listToMatrix(x);
Rcppreturn dist_thread(xMatrix, dimension, ncores);
The dist_thread()
function computes the Hausdorff distance between all pairs of curves in the sample. It uses {RcppThread} to parallelize the computation. The function has two implementations with different input types (Rcpp::NumericMatrix
and Rcpp::List
). The former can be wrapped with the thread-safe accessor to matrices, while the latter is the one that is exported to R and internally uses the listToMatrix()
function to convert the input list to a matrix.
The dist_thread()
function parallelizes the computations via the RcppThread::parallelFor()
function, which requires a task to be defined to tell each worker exactly what to do. This is achieved using a lambda function which is a C++ feature available since the C++11 standard.
<- bench::mark(
bm sequential = dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = FALSE),
outer = {
plan(multisession, workers = 4L)
<- dist_r_v2(dat)
out plan(sequential)
},chunksize = {
plan(multisession, workers = 4L)
<- dist_r_v3(dat)
out plan(sequential)
},nested = {
tweak(multisession, workers = 2L),
tweak(multisession, workers = I(2L))
))<- dist_r_v4(dat)
out plan(sequential)
},singleloop = {
plan(multisession, workers = 4L)
<- dist_r_v5(dat)
out plan(sequential)
},omp1 = dist_omp(dat, dimension = 3L, ncores = 1L),
omp4 = dist_omp(dat, dimension = 3L, ncores = 4L),
parallel1 = dist_parallel(dat, dimension = 3L, ncores = 1L),
parallel4 = dist_parallel(dat, dimension = 3L, ncores = 4L),
thread1 = dist_thread(dat, dimension = 3L, ncores = 1L),
thread4 = dist_thread(dat, dimension = 3L, ncores = 4L)
Comparison of different implementations | |||
The computation time is given in milliseconds and the memory allocation in bytes. | |||
Language |
Expression |
Median computation time |
Memory allocation |
R | sequential | 11,342.61 ms | 250.3 kB |
R | outer | 5,247.86 ms | 13 MB |
R | chunksize | 3,687.32 ms | 27.6 MB |
R | nested | 4,430.23 ms | 17.4 MB |
R | singleloop | 3,714.72 ms | 7 MB |
C++ | omp1 | 25.91 ms | 204.4 kB |
C++ | omp4 | 6.83 ms | 209.1 kB |
C++ | parallel1 | 25.98 ms | 204.4 kB |
C++ | parallel4 | 6.87 ms | 204.4 kB |
C++ | thread1 | 25.92 ms | 204.4 kB |
C++ | thread4 | 6.77 ms | 204.4 kB |
General observation. Using C++ is much faster than using R. This is in particular due to never copying the data. It also provides linear speed-up as expected. There are no notable differences between the different C++ implementations.
R implementation. The original Hausdorff distance implementation has a double loop.
- The outer loop generates unbalanced chunks, which is not optimal (
entry). - Load balancing is better with a fixed chunk size of 1 (
entry). - Using nested parallelization does not help (
entry) achieves intermediate results. It is better than the outer loop but worse than the fixed chunk size. - Transforming the original double loop into a single loop (
entry) is as fast as parallelizing the outer loop using a chunk size of 1 (singleloop
entry) but its memory allocation is much lower. This is because, when the chunk size is 1, a future is created for each iteration of the loop, and the whole data is copied for each future. In contrast, the single loop version submits a single future per worker which creates less copies of the data. - In general, playing with chunk size and nested parallelization generates more future objects and copies the data more often, which increases memory allocation.