Hausdorff Distance Matrix Computation
Data & Goal
We have simulated 3D functional data for this lab that is provided in the Quarto document in the dat
The dat
object is a list of size \(100\) containing \(100\) three-dimensional curves observed on a common grid of size \(200\) of the interval \([0, 1]\).
As a result, each element of the dat
list is a \(3 \times 200\) matrix.
Here we focus on a subset of the data, the first \(21\) curves, which looks like:
Hausdorff distance in R
We can implement the Hausdorff distance between two curves as:
<- function(x, y) {
hausdorff_distance_vec <- ncol(x)
P <- 1:P |>
dX ::map_dbl(\(p) {
purrrmin(colSums((y - x[, p])^2))
}) max()
<- 1:P |>
dY ::map_dbl(\(p) {
purrrmin(colSums((x - y[, p])^2))
}) max()
sqrt(max(dX, dY))
This version exploits the vectorized nature of R to compute the Hausdorff distance via calls to colSums()
and max()
. Another version based on a double loop is provided by the following hausdorff_distance_for()
<- function(x, y) {
hausdorff_distance_for <- ncol(x)
P <- 0
dX <- 0
dY for (i in 1:P) {
<- Inf
min_dist_x <- Inf
min_dist_y for (j in 1:P) {
<- sum((y[, j] - x[, i])^2)
dist_x if (dist_x < min_dist_x) {
<- dist_x
}<- sum((x[, j] - y[, i])^2)
dist_y if (dist_y < min_dist_y) {
<- dist_y
}if (min_dist_x > dX) {
<- min_dist_x
}if (min_dist_y > dY) {
<- min_dist_y
}sqrt(max(dX, dY))
We can benchmark the two versions:
<- bench::mark(
bm hausdorff_distance_vec(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]),
hausdorff_distance_for(dat[[1]], dat[[2]])
Expression |
Median computation time |
Memory allocation |
hausdorff_distance_vec(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]) | 2.02 ms | 2.7 MB |
hausdorff_distance_for(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]) | 50.08 ms | 124.6 kB |
We conclude that the vectorized version is faster but has a huge memory footprint compared to the loop-based version. This means that the vectorized version is not suitable for even moderately large data sets.
Pairwise distance matrix in R
Take a look at the documentation of the stats::dist()
function to understand how to make an object of class dist
We can exploit the previous functions to compute the pairwise distance matrix using the Hausdorff distance:
<- function(x, vectorized = FALSE) {
dist_r_v1 <- if (vectorized)
hausdorff_distance_for<- length(x)
N <- 1:(N - 1) |>
out ::map(\(i) {
purrr::map_dbl((i + 1):N, \(j) {
purrrhausdorff_distance(x[[i]], x[[j]])
}) ::list_c()
attributes(out) <- NULL
attr(out, "Size") <- N
<- names(x)
lbls attr(out, "Labels") <- if (is.null(lbls)) 1:N else lbls
attr(out, "Diag") <- FALSE
attr(out, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(out, "method") <- "hausdorff"
class(out) <- "dist"
out }
We can benchmark the two versions:
<- bench::mark(
bm dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = TRUE),
dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = FALSE)
Expression |
Median computation time |
Memory allocation |
dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = TRUE) | 0.48 s | 546.5 MB |
dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = FALSE) | 11.18 s | 3 kB |
We confirm that the vectorized version is not scalable to large datasets. Using it on the full dataset actually requires 12GB of memory! We will therefore focus on the loop-based version from now on.