Hausdorff Distance Matrix Computation


Aymeric Stamm

Data & Goal

We have simulated 3D functional data for this lab that is provided in the Quarto document in the dat object.

The dat object is a list of size \(100\) containing \(100\) three-dimensional curves observed on a common grid of size \(200\) of the interval \([0, 1]\).

As a result, each element of the dat list is a \(3 \times 200\) matrix.

Here we focus on a subset of the data, the first \(21\) curves, which looks like:



The goal is to implement a function similar to stats::dist() which computes the pairwise distance matrix on this functional dataset using the Hausdorff distance.

Hausdorff distance in R

We can implement the Hausdorff distance between two curves as:

hausdorff_distance_vec <- function(x, y) {
  P <- ncol(x)
  dX <- 1:P |>
    purrr::map_dbl(\(p) {
      min(colSums((y - x[, p])^2))
    }) |>
  dY <- 1:P |>
    purrr::map_dbl(\(p) {
      min(colSums((x - y[, p])^2))
    }) |>
  sqrt(max(dX, dY))

This version exploits the vectorized nature of R to compute the Hausdorff distance via calls to colSums() and max(). Another version based on a double loop is provided by the following hausdorff_distance_for() function:

hausdorff_distance_for <- function(x, y) {
  P <- ncol(x)
  dX <- 0
  dY <- 0
  for (i in 1:P) {
    min_dist_x <- Inf
    min_dist_y <- Inf
    for (j in 1:P) {
      dist_x <- sum((y[, j] - x[, i])^2)
      if (dist_x < min_dist_x) {
        min_dist_x <- dist_x
      dist_y <- sum((x[, j] - y[, i])^2)
      if (dist_y < min_dist_y) {
        min_dist_y <- dist_y
    if (min_dist_x > dX) {
      dX <- min_dist_x
    if (min_dist_y > dY) {
      dY <- min_dist_y
  sqrt(max(dX, dY))

We can benchmark the two versions:

bm <- bench::mark(
  hausdorff_distance_vec(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]),
  hausdorff_distance_for(dat[[1]], dat[[2]])


Median computation time

Memory allocation

hausdorff_distance_vec(dat[[1]], dat[[2]])  2.02 ms   2.7 MB
hausdorff_distance_for(dat[[1]], dat[[2]]) 50.08 ms 124.6 kB

We conclude that the vectorized version is faster but has a huge memory footprint compared to the loop-based version. This means that the vectorized version is not suitable for even moderately large data sets.

Pairwise distance matrix in R

dist objects

Take a look at the documentation of the stats::dist() function to understand how to make an object of class dist.

We can exploit the previous functions to compute the pairwise distance matrix using the Hausdorff distance:

dist_r_v1 <- function(x, vectorized = FALSE) {
  hausdorff_distance <- if (vectorized) 
  N <- length(x)
  out <- 1:(N - 1) |>
    purrr::map(\(i) {
      purrr::map_dbl((i + 1):N, \(j) {
        hausdorff_distance(x[[i]], x[[j]])
    }) |>

  attributes(out) <- NULL
  attr(out, "Size") <- N
  lbls <- names(x)
  attr(out, "Labels") <- if (is.null(lbls)) 1:N else lbls
  attr(out, "Diag") <- FALSE
  attr(out, "Upper") <- FALSE
  attr(out, "method") <- "hausdorff"
  class(out) <- "dist"

We can benchmark the two versions:

bm <- bench::mark(
  dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = TRUE),
  dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = FALSE)


Median computation time

Memory allocation

dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = TRUE)  0.48 s  546.5 MB
dist_r_v1(dat, vectorized = FALSE) 11.18 s 3 kB 
Memory footprint

We confirm that the vectorized version is not scalable to large datasets. Using it on the full dataset actually requires 12GB of memory! We will therefore focus on the loop-based version from now on.