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We shall recall that fdacluster handles only functional data on univariate domains. This is because alignment (a.k.a. registration) of curves defined on multivariate domains is much more complex. The codomain of the functional data can however very well be multivariate. Throughout this article, we will consistently denote:

  • by NN the number of curves in the sample, which is the sample size;
  • by MM the size of the grids on which the curves have been evaluated;
  • by LL the dimension of the codomain of the curves.

Native format

The native format in fdacluster consists in a pair of vector/matrix x and matrix/array y respectively storing the evaluation grids and the values of the curves on these grids.

Passing evaluation grids through the x argument

If all curves have been evaluated on the exact same grid, then x can be either a numeric vector of size MM or a numeric matrix of size N×MN \times M, in which case all rows should be identical.

It is however possible that, despite having a common grid size, curves have actually been evaluated on different grids. In this case, x should be a matrix of size N×MN \times M.

Passing curve values through the y argument

If the curves evaluate on a univariate codomain, then y can be either a numeric matrix of size N×MN \times M or a numeric array of size N×1×MN \times 1 \times M. In both cases, it stores individual curves in rows and their value on the corresponding grid point in either the second dimension if y is a matrix or the third dimension if y is an array.

It is however possible that curves evaluate on a multivariate codomain of dimension LL In this case, y should be an array of size N×L×MN \times L \times M.

Parsers for standard functional R objects

The reason for such a choice of native format is computation efficiency. However, the R landscape of functional data analysis is very rich. This has led us to make fdacluster compatible with other standard ways of storing functional data in R. Specifically, we added support for the fd class from the fda package and for the funData and multiFunData classes from the funData package.

Support for funData

The funData package is a package designed for the sole purpose to implement classes for storing all kinds of functional data. Functional data have a domain and a codomain, both of which can be univariate or multivariate. In addition, each function in the data sample might have been observed on a different grid. This has led the authors of the funData package to propose three different classes, namely (Happ-Kurz 2020):

  1. Class funData for dense functional data of arbitrary dimension (in most cases the dimension of the domain is d{1,2,3}d \in \{1, 2, 3\}) on a common set of observation points t1,,tSt_1, \dots, t_S for all curves. The curves may have missing values coded by NA.
  2. Class irregFunData for irregularly sampled functional data with individual sampling points tijt_{ij}, j=1,,Sij = 1, \dots, S_i, i=1,,Ni = 1, \dots ,N for all curves. The number SiS_i and the location of observation points can vary across individual observations. At the moment, only data on one-dimensional domains is implemented.
  3. Class multiFunData for multivariate functional data, which combines pp elements of functional data that may be defined on different dimensional domains (e.g., functions and images).

The fdacluster package focuses on functional data defined on uni-dimensional domains with possibly multivariate codomains and possibly different evaluation grids per curve. As such, support for all three classes is needed. This is achieved by the utility function format_inputs() which can read in classes from the funData package when provided as x argument with no y argument. Specifically, the following code shows how classes from the funData package are transformed into the (x, y) matrix / array format:

if (inherits(x, "funData")) {
  if (length(x@argvals) > 1)
      "The {.pkg fdacluster} package does not support functional data defined ",
      "on multivariate domains."
  L <- 1
  y <- x@X
  dims <- dim(y)
  N <- dims[1]
  M <- dims[2]
  y <- array(y, dim = c(N, L, M))
  x <- x@argvals[[1]]
} else if (inherits(x, "irregFunData")) {
  L <- 1
  N <- length(x@argvals)
  M <- x@argvals |> 
    sapply(length) |> 
    mean() |> 
  y <- array(dim = c(N, L, M))
  y[, 1, ] <- x@X |> 
    imap(\(values, id) approx(x@argvals[[id]], values, n = M)$y) |>, args = _)
  x <- x@argvals |> 
    lapply(\(grid) seq(min(grid), max(grid), length.out = M)) |>, args = _)
} else if (inherits(x, "multiFunData")) {
  L <- length(x)
  dims <- dim(x[[1]]@X)
  grid <- x[[1]]@argvals[[1]]
  lapply(x, \(fData) {
    if (length(fData@argvals) != 1)
        "The {.pkg fdacluster} package does not support functional data ", 
        "defined on multivariate domains."
    if (any(fData@argvals[[1]] != grids))
        "All components of the {.cls multiFunData} object must share the same ",
        "evaluation grids."
    if (any(dim(fData@X) != dims))
        "All components of the {.cls multiFunData} object must have values ", 
        "stored in matrices with the same dimensions."
  N <- dims[1]
  M <- dims[2]
  y <- array(dim = c(N, L, M))
  for (l in 1:L) y[, l, ] <- x[[l]]@X
  x <- grid
} else
    "Functional data provided in a single argument {.arg x} must be either of ",
    "class {.cls funData} or of class {.cls irregFunData} or of class ", 
    "{.cls multiFunData}."

Example for funData support: Growth Data

The following lines of code demonstrates how clustering functions in fdacluster handle objects of class funData using the Berkeley growth data study developed in Silverman and Ramsay (2002).

growth <- fda::growth
growthData <- funData::funData(
  argvals = growth$age, 
  X = t(cbind(growth$hgtm, growth$hgtf))
out_growth <- fdakmeans(
  x = growthData,
  n_clusters = 2,
  seeding_strategy = "exhaustive-kmeans++",
  cluster_on_phase = TRUE,
  use_verbose = FALSE

Example for irregFunData support: Simulated Data

The following lines of code demonstrates how clustering functions in fdacluster handle objects of class irregFunData using in-house simulated data on the fly.

# Generates full grid
argvals <- seq(0, 2 * pi, by = 0.01)
# Simulate 30 irregular grids with various sampling points (number and values)
indices <- replicate(30, sort(sample(1:length(argvals), sample(30:50, 1))))
argvalsIrreg <- lapply(indices, \(i) argvals[i])
# Simulate functional data with obvious grouping structure
withr::with_seed(1234, {
  simData <- funData::irregFunData(
    argvals = argvalsIrreg, 
    X = mapply(
      function(x, a, b) a * sin(x + b), 
      x = argvalsIrreg, 
      a = c(rgamma(10, 25, 50), rgamma(10, 50, 50), rgamma(10, 100, 50)),
      b = c(rnorm(10, -1, 0.1), rnorm(10, 0, 0.1), rnorm(10, 1, 0.1))
out_sim <- fdakmeans(
  x = simData,
  n_clusters = 3,
  seeding_strategy = "exhaustive-kmeans++",
  use_verbose = FALSE

Example for multiFunData support: Gait Data

The following lines of code demonstrates how clustering functions in fdacluster handle objects of class multiFunData using the gait data study developed in Silverman and Ramsay (2002).

cycle_perc <- (0:19) / 19 * 100
hipData <- t(fda::gait[, , 1])
hipData <- hipData
kneeData <- t(fda::gait[, , 2])
kneeData <- kneeData
gaitData <- funData::multiFunData(
  funData::funData(argvals = cycle_perc, X = hipData), 
  funData::funData(argvals = cycle_perc, X = kneeData)
out_gait <- fdakmeans(
  x = gaitData,
  n_clusters = 1,
  seeding_strategy = "exhaustive",
  warping_class = "srvf",
  use_verbose = FALSE
p <- autoplot(out_gait)
p$data$component_id <- factor(p$data$component_id, labels = c("Hip", "Knee"))
p + labs(y = "Angle (degree)", title = "Gait Kinematics")

Support for fda

The fda package features the class fd as a hosting R structure for functional data. In this representation, functional data are decomposed on a number of basis functions (Ramsay and Silverman 2006). The class is then a list with the following 3 components:

  • coefs: Stores the coefficients of each functional datum in the sample corresponding to its expansion along the basis functions;
  • basis: Stores the basis functions;
  • fdnames: Stores IDs for each coefficient, each observation and each dimension of the co-domain.

Basis functions supported by the fda package are exclusively defined on univariate domains. As such, the class fd only handles functional data on unidimensional domains. However, it accommodates functional data evaluating on multidimensional co-domain. This is achieved by using a three-dimensional array for the coefficients instead of a vector or a matrix. Indeed, quoting the help page of the fd class:

coef: A vector, matrix, or three-dimensional array of coefficients. The first dimension (or elements of a vector) corresponds to basis functions. A second dimension corresponds to the number of functional observations, curves or replicates. If coef is a vector, it represents only a single functional observation. If coef is an array, the third dimension corresponds to variables for multivariate functional data objects. A functional data object is univariate if coef is a vector or matrix and multivariate if it is a three-dimensional array.

Consequently, the fdacluster package handles objects of class fd by considering that x, as in native format, stores the unidimensional grids and y is an object of class fd. It then parses the data in the following way:

dims <- sapply(y$fdnames, length)
M <- dims[1]
N <- dims[2]
L <- dims[3]
if (is.vector(x)) {
  if (length(x) != M)
      "The number of function evaluations ({M}) does not match the grid ",
      "size ({length(x)})."
  y <- fda::eval.fd(x, y)
} else {
  if (nrow(x) != N)
      "When provided multiple evaluation grids as a matrix, the number of ",
      "rows should match the number of curves."
  if (ncol(x) != M)
      "When provided multiple evaluation grids as a matrix, the number of ",
      "columns should match the common grid size."
  y <- fda::eval.fd(t(x), y)
if (is.null(dim(y))) {
  # y is a single 1-dimensional curve
  y <- array(y, dim = c(length(y), 1, 1))
} else if (length(dim(y)) == 2) {
  # y is N 1-dimensional curves
  y <- array(y, dim = c(dim(y), 1))
y <- aperm(y, c(2, 3, 1))

Example for fd support: Gait Data

The following lines of code demonstrates how clustering functions in fdacluster handle objects of class fd using the gait data study developed in Silverman and Ramsay (2002).

bspl <- fda::create.fourier.basis(rangeval = c(0, 100), nbasis = 5)
gaitDataFD <- fda::smooth.basis(
  argvals = cycle_perc, 
  y = fda::gait, 
  fdParobj = bspl
out_gait_fd <- fdakmeans(
  x = cycle_perc,
  y = gaitDataFD,
  n_clusters = 1, 
  seeding_strategy = "exhaustive",
  warping_class = "srvf",
  use_verbose = FALSE
p <- autoplot(out_gait_fd)
p$data$component_id <- factor(p$data$component_id, labels = c("Hip", "Knee"))
p + labs(y = "Angle (degree)", title = "Gait Kinematics")


Happ-Kurz, Clara. 2020. “Object-Oriented Software for Functional Data.” Journal of Statistical Software 93 (5): 1–38.
Ramsay, J. O., and B. W. Silverman. 2006. Functional Data Analysis. Springer Series in Statistics. Springer Verlag.
Silverman, BW, and JO Ramsay. 2002. Applied Functional Data Analysis: Methods and Case Studies. United States: Springer, New York, NY.