The fdacluster package currently provides the kma()
function that jointly performs clustering and alignment of a functional data set. The implementation follows (Sangalli et al. 2010) including improvements proposed in (Vantini 2012).
The package is, in its current form, mainly a C++ re-implementation of the fdakma package which makes it insanely faster. It will include more clustering methods in a near future as well.
You can install the released version of fdacluster from CRAN with:
Alternatively you can install the development version of fdacluster from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
::install_github("astamm/fdacluster") remotes
Sangalli, Laura M, Piercesare Secchi, Simone Vantini, and Valeria Vitelli. 2010. “K-Mean Alignment for Curve Clustering.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54 (5): 1219–33.
Vantini, Simone. 2012. “On the Definition of Phase and Amplitude Variability in Functional Data Analysis.” Test 21 (4): 676–96.