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Transform distance matrix in edge properties of minimal spanning tree


edge_count_global_variables(d, n1, k = 1L)



A matrix of dimension \((n1+n2)x(n1+n2)\) containing the distances between all the elements of the two samples put together.


An integer giving the size of the first sample.


An integer specifying the density of the minimal spanning tree to generate.


A list of edge properties of the minimal spanning tree.


n1 <- 30L
n2 <- 10L
gnp_params <- list(n = 24L, p = 1/3)
degree_params <- list(out_degree = rep(2, 24L), method = "configuration")
x <- nvd(sample_size = n1, model = "gnp", !!!gnp_params)
#>  Calling the `tidygraph::play_gnp()` function with the following arguments:
#> • n: 24
#> • p: 0.333333333333333
#> • directed: TRUE
#> • loops: FALSE
y <- nvd(sample_size = n2, model = "degree", !!!degree_params)
#>  Calling the `tidygraph::play_degree()` function with the following arguments:
#> • out_degree: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, …, 2, and 2
#> • method: configuration
#> • in_degree: NULL
d <- dist_nvd(x, y, representation = "laplacian", distance = "frobenius")
e <- edge_count_global_variables(d, n1, k = 5L)