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This is the constructor for objects of class nvd.


  model = "smallworld",
  n = 1L,
  num_vertices = 25L,
  model_params = list(dim = 1L, nei = 4L, p = 0.15),
  seed = 1234



A string specifying the model to be used for sampling networks (current choices are: "sbm", "k_regular", "gnp", "smallworld", "pa", "poisson" and "binomial"). Defaults to "smallworld".


An integer specifying the sample size. Defaults to 1L.


An integer specifying the order of the graphs to be generated (i.e. the number of nodes). Defaults to 25L.


A named list setting the parameters of the model you are considering. Defaults to list(dim = 1L, nei = 4L, p = 0.15) which sets defaults parameters for the Watts-Strogatz small-world model generator.


An integer specifying the random generator seed. Defaults to 1234.


A nvd object which is a list of igraph



smallworld_params <- list(dim = 1L, nei = 4L, p = 0.15)
nvd(model_params = smallworld_params)
#> [[1]]
#> IGRAPH 10e1798 U--- 25 100 -- Watts-Strogatz random graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), dim (g/n), size (g/n), nei (g/n), p (g/n), loops
#> | (g/l), multiple (g/l)
#> + edges from 10e1798:
#>  [1]  1-- 2  2-- 3  4--13  4-- 5  5-- 6  6-- 7  7--17  8-- 9 10--19 10--11
#> [11]  1--11 12--13 13--14 14--15 15--16 16--17 17--18 18--19 19--20  2--21
#> [21] 21--22 22--23 20--23 24--25  1--25  1-- 3  1--24  1-- 4  1--23  1-- 5
#> [31]  1--22  2--25  2-- 4  2--24  2-- 5  2--23  2-- 6  5--19  3--25  3-- 6
#> [41]  3--24  3--16  4-- 6  4-- 7  4--25  4-- 8  5-- 7  5-- 8  5-- 9  8--13
#> [51]  6-- 9  6--10  7-- 9  7--10  7--11  8--10  8--11  8--23  9--11  9--12
#> [61]  9--13 10--12 10--13  5--10 11--13 11--14  6--15 12--14 12--15 12--16
#> + ... omitted several edges
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "nvd"  "list"